
June 11

I´ll come back to June 10...I want to get the picture with it.

(This picture is mid-afternoon facing north--I think--from my bedroom).

Today I realized I was backwards. And not quite upside down, but sideways. So this post is for my Argentinean buddy, Sebastian, who says he´s upside down in Houghton. I woke up at my usual time, 7:00, and noticed that the sun had not come up yet. The days are getting SHORTER here and I was getting used to the long days up north. Secondly, I realized that I´ve been very disoriented by the fact that the shadows are on the south side of everything. People have pointed out N, E, S, W to me but until today it seemed like the sun was rising and falling on the wrong side. WEll, I´m mostly straightened out now, but unexplainably, thinking of shadows to the south makes me feel not so far from home...

Hoy, yo comprendi que estuve atrasado en acostumbre. Y estuve casi al reves y de costado en el mundo. Entonces, estas frases son para mi amigo de Argentina, Sebastian, se dice el esta al reves en Houghton. Me despertaba a la hora tipica, las 7:00, y notaba que el sol todavia no habia salido. Los dias se acortan aqui y yo estaba acostumbrada a los dias largos en el norte. Segundo, yo comprendia que he estado muy desorientada del hecho que las sombras estaban al sur de todas. Unas personas me han indicado N., S, E, W pero hasta hoy, parecia que el sol estaba saliendo y ocultandose del lado falso. Pues, yo me estoy casi enderezado, pero inexplicamente, pensando de sombras al sur me hace sentir no tan lejos de hogar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like life is wonderful ... we are going through rains and cold and some parts of the country are in real messes! Today (June 13) we actually have sun though.

Being in the southern hemisphere is different! Are you close enough to the equator that you have no sunrises nor sunsets ... the sun is just there or gone?

Happy birthday late ... and keep enjoying ... but are you doing any REAL WORK?!?!?!?

Love, hugs and prayers ... Sister Ellen